Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friday Please Come Soon...

It turned out what I feared the most came true. Adorama sent me an e-mail this morning telling me that my order was backordered. *sigh* But not to worry, it turned out US1Photo still had stocks of the Canon Rebel XSi. So, I immediately made the purchase and picked the 2 day shipping so that it would be here by Friday. I simply couldn't stop being restless until I get my hands on the camera. So, I'm crossing my finger now hoping that nothing goes wrong with the order.

So, assuming that the camera is really going to arrive this Friday, here's what I'm planning to attend this weekend:

1. If the plan to try out the new Brazillian restaurant, Samba, is a go, I can practice taking pictures of my friends there.

2. The Ivory Room Piano Bar if I can find someone to go with me though. Don't think it would be fun to be all alone in a piano bar. Can practice taking pictures while enjoying live music entertainment (Ka, ayo yuk!!! Hari Sabtu ada live entertainment.)

3. The Overture Center featuring Kids in the Rotunda on Saturday. A free performance at the Overture Center by kids. I believe they're performing "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."

4. Farmer's Market on Saturday. Maybe before going to Overture since it's pretty closeby.

Hmmm...it looks like almost all of the events fall on Saturday. I guess Saturday is going to be a pretty productive day then. Teeheee!!! So excited!!!


elka said...

OK2. Gw harusnya ada latian Ballroom wiken tapi ga jelas hari apa sama jamnya. Gw usahain bukan Sabtu. Tapi kalo Sabtu harusnya paling sore kaya jam 5 dah kelar (soalnya gedungnya tutup). Ini tes terakhir gw. Horeeee... Cape deh gw dah... Mikirin creative variation.

Btw musti liat, the rest of the week harusnya ujan sih Man. SO Farmer's Market kita tunda saja ke minggu depan? Soal Ivory Room Piano Bar sih musti! Jam berapa? Mendingan gw reserve jadinya latiannya definitely ga jam itu. Samba gimana kalo Minggu? Soalnya hari Jumat malem ada Potluck IC harusnya.

Cooking-&-Photography said...

Plan hancur sudah...hiks hiks hiks...tapi kalo masih mau ke piano barnya gue ok aja...