Friday, June 20, 2008


Finally got the chance to test and play with my photo studio kit. Unfortunately, can't find anyone to be the object to take a picture of. But fortunately, I'm a narcisist. Haha =P. So, I made myself the object although it's proven to be really tough. But here are some of the results...


elka said...

Gw suka banget foto kedua Man.
Maap gw tadi lagi away jadi gw ga tau eloe message gw. See what your intention was though. Hehehe... Anyway, lemme know if you still wanna pick up M with me later today.

j said...

I love your photography =) it's always exciting to be able to open up something new and try it out for the first time =)

I hope to see more of your photography!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Josie! =)