Sunday, January 11, 2009

Currently @ the HK International Airport...

Currently still pretty much depressed with the fact that I'm not going to be able to see my family for a while. I called my mom this morning just to tell her that I'm leaving for the airport soon and I can't believe that I actually cried when I heard her voice from the other end (She, of course, didn't know that I was crying because my nose has been pretty congested due to the cold I have). I miss my family so much. I guess I'm just very home sick right now. Though I'm sure that I'll get over it soon enough, I still feel kinda ashamed that I would still be so home sick at this age (I'm almost 24 for God sake!!!).

My few last memorable memories before I left:

He quite unexpectedly cried so much at the church at my sister's wedding. He didn't cry at first, but when it was finally time for my sister to kneel in front of my parents to say thank you for everything, he cried so hard that everybody actually noticed. It was so obvious that one of the wedding organizers ran all the way from the door to my dad's side to offer him some tissues. Hahahahaha. The most funny thing about this is that my dad didn't even hear what my sister said to him. He already started crying by the time my sister kneeled in front of him. My sister actually said something quite funny to my dad just so that there wouldn't be any emotional scene. But when my dad started crying, then my mom started crying as well and therefore my sister started crying as well. Even one of my aunts who was sitting right behind me was crying. A funny moment that my sister was trying to create was turned into an emotional moment because of my dad. Hahahahaha. Both of my parents believed that my sister said something like "Pa, aku ngga pulang malam ini" when my sister actually said "Pa, uangnya aku ga balikin ya." See how different those two sentences are? I guess my dad was already too emotional from the very beginning. Whenever we brought up this topic, he would just laugh and start running away from us to avoid any further questions. Hahahahaha.

My mom cried for quite a long time. Well, all of us already expected this to happen. My mom is the type of person who is easily feel so touched by someone else's sincerity. Although everybody already expected her to cry, she actually tried so hard not to cry no matter what. She actually told my sister to say something funny instead so that she would laugh rather than crying, but I guess it was kind of inevitable from the moment that my dad started crying. But unfortunately, my dad could stop crying pretty quickly while it was quite hard for her to stop crying. So during the church procession, her tears kept on dropping on her cheek. She blamed it all on my dad who started crying just like that. Hahahahahahahaha.

My Oldest Sister
This is what I would like to call an R-rated moment for my family. Hahahaha. After the reception was over, most of my family members were still in the ballroom to hang around for a few minutes longer. In this scene, there was me, my sister, and two of my cousins.

Cousin 1: Sherly, kamu pasti cape ya?
S: Cape banget. Rasanya pengen tidur aja langsung.
Cousin 1: Iya koko dulu juga cape banget. Sherly...kamu nanti malam jangan langsung. Besok pagi aja tunggu energy kamu ada dulu. Koko waktu itu langsung tidur abis resepsi trus besok paginya baru deh seger baru.
Me: Buset. PG-13 banget nih conversation.
Cousin 2: Ini mah bukan PG-13 lagi. R-rated!!!
Cousin 1: Eh beneran. Kalo malam ini lagi cape2 kan loyo. Pasti kan ga bisa enjoy juga. Mending besok pagi aja tunggu kalian berdua uda seger dulu baru deh nanti lebih enak.
S: ... (so speechless or so exhausted that she couldn't even reply).

My second sister
A day before the wedding, we hanged out together. We went to MOI to find some clothes to buy (though at the end we didn't buy anything). But we did stop at this nail shop and got a mani-pedi. Hahahahahahaha. We both got a quite cheap mani-pedi while watching some movies on the flat screen TV they have. They even let us pick the movie we wanted to watch. Hahahhahaha. The work done was not the best, but it was just for fun for us. The most enjoyable part to watch is the part when my sister got her pedicure. She's a very ticklish person. So, she couldn't stop laughing when the manicurist/pedicurist was touching the botton of her foot. She's definitely not someone who's meant to get a pedicure. Hahahahaha. Well, this is still quite memorable for me because I haven't had the chance to hang out with a lot for a while now. Also, during the reception, when we all had to walk in front of the bride and groom when we entered the main ballroom, my sister was like flashing her smile here and there. Hahahahaha. It was quite funny seeing her doing that. She even practiced that smile during the rehearsal. Hahahahahaha.

My Little Sister
We had to do a retouch both on our make-up and hair before the reception. My little sister's hair was brought quite high for the reception that she called it the "lohan" hair. Hahahahahahaha. She hated it so much. I personally think it looked good, but she hated how high it was. My last memory of her was that she almost forgot to give me my jacket back at the airport. She couldn't stand the cold that much. Although we were at Indo, the air-con could get pretty cold for her. But then again none of us was in the best condition. We had been pretty tired for days that we all got sick. Most of us had the same thing: the evil cold with stuffy nose and sore throat. Even my oldest sister was very sick on her wedding day. The last thing my little sister said to me was that she would try to come to visit me in Madison this year. Maybe sometime in November or December. It would be pretty cold for her, but I'll provide her with all the cold-weather attire she would need if she ever decides to come.

Well, it's almost boarding time. I needed to go to the bathroom first to clear my nose. I could hardly breathe right now. Well, goodbye HK and my beloved home and see you soon Madison...

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